Our software must firstly be activated with your purchased activation code in order to unlock the full version.
If you already installed the software you're trying to activate, please check you're using the latest version, by going to Options -> Updates from within the software. You can update to the latest software version from there.
Note that activation codes for PC versions of the software cannot be used on the Mac and vice-versa, as activation codes for one product are not compatible with the other.
If, after entering your activation code and creating a password, you receive an activation error, the activation will fail. Here's what to do if you come across an error code when activating your software:
Error Code 1: NOINTERNET
This error will show if the software cannot pass the activation details to the activation server.
1. To resolve this, please check that your computer is connected to the internet, and that your connection is stable.
2. If you have a stable connection, but you still receive error code 1, it could be that you have a firewall actively blocking the communication. Add the software to your list of programs allowed through your firewall, or temporarily disable the firewall until the activation has completed.
3. If the issue persists, please try manually entering your activation code, rather than copy/pasting it into the input field. Manually typing the code will ensure that no hidden formatting characters have been included into the code.
4. If you are entering the activation code correctly and your computer is connected to the internet, please make sure the software you're trying to activate has sufficient permissions to write your activation details to a required file, as detailed in the next section.
5. As a workaround, you can use your mobile device as a temporary Wi-Fi hotspot for your computer. This will use your mobile data to perform the activation and bypass any router or other settings on your computer. You can revert to your normal Wi-Fi internet connection on your computer as soon as the activation has been completed.
Error Code 18, Error Code 99 and Unspecified Error
These error codes usually occur when activation fails due to the software having insufficient permissions to write your activation details to a required file. To resolve this, please follow the steps below.
Giving the app permissions to activate on a Windows PC:
Please try running the app on your PC as an administrator.
To do this please firstly close the App if it is open. Right click on the App icon either on your desktop or in your programs folder. Select 'Properties' and then go to the 'Compatibility' tab. On here please select to 'Run this program as an administrator'. Once done press 'Apply' and then 'OK'.
Please then re-launch the app and try again. The should now activate successfully.
Giving the app permissions to activate on a Mac:
If you are running macOS Mojave, Catalina or Big Sur, please enable full disk access for the software, giving it permissions to remain active:
From your Launchpad, open System Preferences.
- Then, click 'Security and Privacy'.
- Click the lock in order to make changes.
- Choose 'Full Disk Access' from the list.
- Click the '+' and add TouchCopy (or Tune Sweeper, Music Tag or Duplicate Sweeper depending on the product you're trying to activate).
- Close the window and open software to activate it.
Error Code 3 : ERR_LOCKOUT
You'll see error code 3 if your licence is locked out.
A lockout will be put on a licence if: there have been a large number of activation attempts on the licence in a short period of time; the licence has been banned; the licence has been refunded.
In some cases, our support team can remove the lockout for you, allowing you to reactivate your software after the issue is resolved (maybe you needed to reset your password).
Please note, if you need to reinstall your operating system, it is recommended to deactivate TouchCopy or Droid Transfer from your current operating system. To do this within TouchCopy or Droid Transfer, go to 'Options' > 'Activation' > 'Deactivate'. This will free up the activation from that installation and can help avoid the licence being locked out for excessive activations.
Error Code 5, Error Code 6 or "Your activation code is not valid."
1. This error occurs if your activation code is not being recognised. Please check that you're using the correct version of the software. For example, if you have a TouchCopy (Windows 10/11) licence, ensure you're using the latest TouchCopy program, rather than an older version like TouchCopy 16.
To download your purchased version of the software please use our activation code lookup service.
2. Enter your activation code exactly as provided, by copying and pasting it into the software. If this fails, please try entering the activation code manually, as copying and pasting can sometimes cause hidden formatting characters to be inserted causing issues with activation.
Each time you activate or reactivate your software on a computer, you'll need to provide a password for the activation. This is a security measure to protect your licence.
Please ensure that your password meets the guidelines below:
1. Passwords must be fewer than 16 characters long.
2. Passwords are case-sensitive. This means that, if you need to re-enter a password, make sure that capital letters are placed in the correct places. For example, "Abc123" does not match "abc123"
3. Passwords should not include spaces.
4. Some very simple words cannot be used as passwords, e.g. apple or welcome.
If this is your first time activating the software, you'll need to enter your activation code. Then you'll be prompted to create a password. Create a password, following the guidelines above, then activate.
If you are reactivating your licence on the same computer, or are activating your licence on a second computer, the process is similar. Enter your activation code on the computer you wish to use your licence on. You'll then be prompted to enter the password created on your previous activation, say "Abc123". Then, to create a new password for this new activation, say "mY2ndComputer". This new password must follow the same guidelines, but cannot be a password which has been used before for your licence.
Error Code -1 A Validation warning was received when trying to activate
This error has previously occurred in some older versions of our software, specifically version 1.49 of Droid Transfer. Please check you're using the latest software version , by going to Options -> Updates from within the software. Then please uninstall older software version and download and install the latest software from our Support site.
If you still have troubles activating your licence, please contact us and let us know what error code you are experiencing. We'll be able to help you get started with your software.