How to install Music Tag on your PC:
To install Music Tag on your PC, please firstly download the Music Tag program from our website.
Once downloaded, open the Music Tag installer to begin installing the program.
When the Music Tag setup launches, follow the instructions in the setup wizard and it will quickly and seamlessly install Music Tag on your PC.
You will have now installed Music Tag on your PC!
Follow the instructions here to Activate your purchased Music Tag version.
How to uninstall Music Tag from your PC:
Uninstalling Music Tag on Windows 10 / 11:
To uninstall Music Tag, open the Start menu and go to Settings > Apps > Apps & Features.
Once opened, locate Music Tag in the list and click on it. Here, you'll have the option to uninstall Music Tag.
Uninstalling Music Tag on Windows 7 & 8:
To uninstall Music Tag on Windows 7 & 8, please open the Start menu and type in 'Control Panel'. Once opened, change the 'View' setting to 'Category' and in the Programs category, click 'Uninstall a Program'
Please then locate Music Tag in your list of applications, select it and then choose 'Uninstall/Change'. You will then be able to uninstall Music Tag from here.
After doing this, you will have uninstalled Music Tag from your PC.