If you are having difficulty connecting your Android Phone running Transfer Companion to your PC running Droid Transfer it maybe that firewall software on your PC is blocking the two apps communicating over your local network.
Windows Firewall
First, you should ensure that your standard Windows Firewall is configured correctly. The Droid Transfer installer should configure the Windows Firewall automatically on install but it is worth checking the correct changes have been made. Please see the support article below on how to do this...
Other Firewalls
If you have other Firewall or internet security software installed (e.g. Norton Internet Security etc) you may need to configure that firewall manually to allow Droid Transfer and Transfer Companion to communicate with blocking.
In your firewall settings you will need to "allow" or "open" several network ports on your PC - these are the port channels that Droid Copy uses to communicate with Transfer Companion.
The Technical Bit
Open the firewall settings for your third part firewall and unblock the following ports...
1262 UDP/TCP
1263 UDP/TCP
1265 UDP/TCP
1266 UDP/TCP