To copy your messages from your Android device to your PC, please follow these instructions.
- Download & install Droid Transfer from our website here.
- Install the Transfer Companion app on your Android phone from Google Play Store.
- Connect your Android device to Droid Transfer, please see our user guide here for full instructions on how to do this.
- Once connected, click the messages category to begin loading your messages.
- When your messages load, select which conversations you wish to backup.
- Choose to save as PDF, HTML or Text.
Droid Transfer will allow you to transfer backup your messages in 3 different formats, PDF, HTML or Text. When exporting to PDF and HTML, the export will include important information including text, attachments, the date and time when the messages were sent, and the contact.
- "Save PDF" - Save the selected conversations as Portable Document Format (PDF). The exported file will also display your attachments such as images in the conversation thread (but not videos).
- "Save text" - Saves conversations as a simple text file.
- "Save HTML" - Save the selected conversations as HTML files (viewable in browsers such as Google Chrome). Media such as images and videos will be embedded in the document, and a separate folder will also be created to contain the media.