When you purchase TouchCopy, you are purchasing a single-user license. If you purchased a 1-year TouchCopy rental license, this can only be used by on a single computer. A 2-computer lifetime license can be activated on up to 2 of your computers as long as you are the sole user of the software. If multiple users are to use the software, a license must be purchased for each user.
More information on TouchCopy rental and lifetime licenses.
Please note that there is no limit to the number of iPods, iPhones and iPads TouchCopy can be used with.
To install TouchCopy onto your second computer, follow these steps...
- Download and Install TouchCopy and run it.
- Click on Activate in TouchCopy and enter your purchased activation code.
Please be advised that our PC and Mac software are sold separately. As such, their activation codes are not interchangeable. You may be eligible for a discount if you wish to purchase both PC and Mac versions of TouchCopy - just ask one of our friendly advisors for help.