If you're having issues with TouchCopy loading your messages or other iPhone media, please follow the steps quick below. Detailed information can be found in the following support article.
1. Check your permissions
First of all, you'll need to make sure that TouchCopy has the correct permissions to interact with your connected device on your computer. Follow our guide to set permissions for TouchCopy.
2. Create a new iPhone backup
To do this, click the icon of your device within iTunes. On the summary screen that is displayed, please click the 'Back up now' button. This will create a new local backup of your device. Once done, close iTunes and relaunch TouchCopy. The initializing data communications stage should now complete much sooner and TouchCopy will correctly display your data.
If your device becomes disconnected during backup, we would recommend connecting your device via USB if you are currently connected using WiFi. This will be more stable and faster than using a WiFi connection.